You know, just last week 3 people told me that I have to "stop apologizing" - first this board, then my therapist, then my boss at work (who is also a friend).
Someone at work did something rude and all but called me an idiot for an obvious mistake I'd made. I quite calmy but FIRMLY emailed him back that I wasn't going to take his bullshit... I know it sounds lame, but I was REALLY proud of myself. I work for a company that has 700 employees in 3 offices WORLDWIDE and also deals with contractors around the US but am expected to be the personal assistant TO THEM ALL. Though I genuinely enjoy 99% of my coworkers this company is experiencing SERIOUS growing pains.
Here it is:
Silly me…. Yes, you are correct. Perhaps if I wasn’t constantly interrupted by all sorts of requests many of which only give half information from within the ENTIRE company, not to mention this rather noisy phone that is my TOTAL responsibility to attend to regardless of what I have on my desk… I would NEVER make such a ridiculous mistake.
Thankfully though, I work with people who don’t yell at me when I make mistakes. Makes for a much nicer working environment…. Don’t you agree?
I will email and cc: all interested parties as soon as I complete this reservation (that I never was made aware of before a few hours ago that was my responsibility to make to begin with).
I was totally professional, but got my point across I think.
You guys are right... And I have gotten a lot better about stuff. Meaning, I have finally internally reconciled with a lot of difficult choices that I have made over the past few years - specifically in regards to my marriage and children. I chose VERY odd paths and because of this I have been subject to an unbelievable amount of judging - I tend to accpet blame and apologize even for the weather for heaven's sake, so this made things even worse for me. Now the only thing left is for me to have a very VERY long overdue honest heart-to-heart with my kids to help them to understand THE TRUTH - not the garbage lies that their father and his family have been drilling into them.
I just have to continue to surround myself with positive people and positive situations until I am strong enough to effectively IGNORE the negatives - not let them knock me back to square one.
Thank you all so much for your kind and supportive words.