Well, I treated my ex sooooo good...because I had always told him I would show him how much I loved him. I gave him back rubs, i hated arguing with him because in my marriage all I did was argue..and I guess I let him win arguments so i wouldnt have to argue with him..I guess I tried too hard..because after 8 months he went back to his ex gf....whom had hit him, threw shit at him.and constantly screamed....and I guess , he is happy with her..maybe I was too nice to him..I dont know, but I do know I tried with this guy and it didnt help....
so from now on
im saying fuck em...im going to do things for ME not anyone else.. Werd you seem like a cool chick, and I think you. like me, have been in a topsy turvy relationship and we got the screwed end of the deal...but we move on.
I spent a weekend with this guy this past weekend, he was so nice, we didnt have sex either..we just went places and did things, and he treated me so nice...but u know what? I still thought about my ex...and thats screwed up...so I think im going to go out with this guy again because..he made me feel like I was worth something and he treated me so good..he opened doors for me, he did some small things that have never been done for me before.and it made me feel so good...so why did i think of the other guy???
I dont know, maybe Im not really ready to date yet..maybe we need to hang out werd lol...and trade stories on how men suck lol