Day 4
Good luck mission thanks for following!
I've now run 4 full days of sarms, the day before yesterday i accidentally took 75mg of s4, had a bit of pain behind the eyes. Dropped it back to 50 yesterday and everything went smooth.
Now I will say this, the results/fat loss, leaning out I've seen in the past 4 days has been for a lack of a better word, amazing. The fat on my lower stomach and back is noticeably less, upper body looks mean n lean, and the skin is tightening on my stomach! That's definitely the big big plus for me on this stack, I was always nervous about loose skin since I had some left over after losing 80 pounds in a year.
Sides: chapped lips, which is strange, had trouble sleeping for the first time the other day, eyes a little dry sometimes but nothing too bad. No vision sides yet, too early.
I'm pumped pumped pumped to keep seeing the results, got 4 days in a row of gym+cardio lined up now that I took my day off, time to make some progress! I got a music festival coming up September 5th, want to be shredded up by then so i have an extra fire under my ass, 33 days till then