Cheat meals can be very beneficial. But like anything they must be earned. First and foremost you have to get lean to afford them. If you aren't, you can't afford them. Once lean your body is like a metabolic furnace, and those cheat meals aren't just good for mental health and having good tasting food that you want. Your body will utilize those meals and you can really capitalize on them on both how your body looks and performs. Most of my biggest PRs come a day after a good cheat meal. The pumps, vascularity, and fullness are next level stuff too. Its pretty awesome and I wouldnt have it any other way. Im a big advocate for IIFYM. Nobody can tell me it doesn't work when I've been doing it for a LONG LONG time and im still lean. Still ripped. And still not fat. Shit works. Period. My metabolism is nothing magical. Im no different than anyone else. I just know math and know balance, and know how things work when you're in shape.