thanks guys. im just feeling a little beat up right now. feel like im not training hard enough. this is the hardest training i have ever done. i have no one here to help me. i am kinda lost. with bodybuilding i had plenty of people to watch and learn from in the gym. with powerlifting, there are few and far between to learn from, and the ones that are there have never heard of wsb. then on top of that no, i mean no one that i have ever met, heard, read, seen or anything in alabama, trains strongman. so in essence...................................................
........................................i am alone.
so its kinda getting to me. i have my lovely wife Trinity 73 to train with me. but she is learning by what i teach her. so i have no mentor, B Fold is the closest thing i have to a mentor, but he's 6 hours away. im just a little low at the moment, thanks, for letting me have a pitty party.