Cena is a pimp. I don't follow professional wrestling like I did as a kid, but I respect that guy. Worked his ass off to get there.
I think that's why he's the highest paid pro wrestler. It's the authenticity. It's like if you met him and started talkin shit he'd kick your face in kind of authenticity.
On the flip side he's all about his business so if you aren't fuckin with him he isn't fuckin with you.
Least that's the vibe I get.
And ya, he's definitely on roids. Not too many people could look like that.
There are natural powerlifters that can put up as good or better numbers than Cena, but there are extremely few that also are as heavily muscled as that with as low bodyfat. He's pretty damn lean despite initial appearances.
I have known a handful of absolute genetic super freaks and even then the one that had the best bodybuilding specific genetics of them all probably couldn't get that big and lean and at the same time stay natural.