Don't use harsh cleansers or body soap on your face. Masks usually aren't for every day, maybe 1x week. Check the ingredients of any other stuff you put on your face. Things like after-shave can contain alcohol, which'll dry you right up.
Put lotion on when your skin is still moist from the shower, and do it EVERY time you wash or wet your face. Since you're male and don't wear makeup, you can put some lotion on periodically throughout the day.
Cetaphil cleanser is very mild. Also the absolute best moisturizer I've used is Cetaphil creme (used it when I was on Accutane, which really dries skin out). There is also Cetaphil lotion, which is not as heavy. All these can be found in most drugstores and aren't expensive. If you have chapped lips, Aquaphor is a miracle.