I think you guys are waaaay over reacting, and not in a logical way. I mean think about it, everyone has their own agenda in the gym. Some people are there to improve cardiovascular health, some are their to increase strength, some purely want size. These are all valid in their own frame of reference.
If some of the other guys on this board are concerned with their abs, then hell, that's their goal. I don't think it is right to make fun of them because their goals dont go along with ours.
And you mock people because they don't know that diet has more to do with ab definition, and that spot reduction is a complete myth. Well, how are they supposed to learn what to do without asking? I mean, if they never ask on the training board about their abs, how would they ever find out that maybe they should be looking around on the diet board.
Our goal here as a fitness community should be to help each other in a positive way, and not just to bash on people who dont know any better.
And you know what, you are all totally hypocritical. I mean, when ever anyone posts a message that is like "hey check out this power lifts's stats and picture" or "you know you are a bodybuilder when..." or "is anyone watching the bench press comp. on tv" no body complains [and neither do i] that these have very little to do with training.... But when someone asks a question refering to their abs, which IS a part of training, y'all act like its totally wrong!!!