Sardaukar said:
Anyway, my question is this. Why would CKD be prefered over staying in ketosis all the time? Which would be more effective and why does CKD's carb-up work?
Staying in ketosis all of the time would be preferrable if you're trying to lose the maximum amount of fat possible without much regard for gaining any muscle. You'll be "flatter" and you're lifting won't be as easy/productive. Not to mention the fact that you get tired of not having your carbs for a long long time.
CKD is nice because after your carb-up day, your muscles will be replenished with glycogen and you'll be able to lift hard for a couple of days. And as I understand it you won't bump out of ketosis as long as you don't go too overboard. In the Anabolic Diet, Dr. DiPasquale furthers this argument by saying your growth hormone/testosterone are boosted after your carb-up day which is of course a good thing for lifting weights.
I guess it all depends on your goals at the moment, but CKD seems like a good option and may be easier to maintain than a strictly Atkins-type diet. Anyway, check out Mr.X's article as I've posted above for more info. on CKD. later bro