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Is Serena Williams juicing?

"I think Anna is scrawny and plain. Does she have any muscle tone at all? All the pictures I see of her she looks puny. Definately not ugly, but nothing spectacular. And it ain't jealousy speaking either."

My thoughts exactly.

MS said:
Maybe she does, maybe she doesn't. She's lean, but not excessively muscled. However she has a 'hardness' to her muscle that is rare in a female. In the light of McEnroe's alledged AAS use, I would say there is NO way of knowing just by looking at their physiques. What a dweeb. She may use AAS to aid recovery-she is playing a tough sport at the elite level. What do her legs look like??

I agree if more women tennis players looked like her, I might consider watching the sport. As it stands, most of the pro MALE tennis players don't look as good as her (in terms of having a nice, lean, athletic build).

My serve was clocked at 119MPH when I was 19 and weighed
180. I was VERY strong.

She weighs 140-150 and hers clocks at 123MPH.

Hmmmmm.....looks suspicious to me.

Even Sampras only does 135MPH.

I work for one of the TV Networks that holds the broadcast right for US Open Tennis. I was out at the Tennis Center last week and was in our studio when the 2 sister came in, I finished up what I had to do and was walking out with a co-worker, the first word that came outta my mouth as we were walking away from them was 'juiceheads' LOL

seriously, in person they are actually bigger then they appear on TV, they are both HUGE (in a built way) compared to most women...

I think they both done their fair share of gear, but thats just me...the whole looking like a man thing just takes all the question out of my mind.

Dammit why do you guys have to come over here and start this kind of shit! They have been training since they could walk! No one said they were "pretty girls" but juiceheads :rolleyes: give me break!
builtbc83 said:

seriously, in person they are actually bigger then they appear on TV, they are both HUGE (in a built way) compared to most women...

Of course they are huge in person. They are like 6'2"... built or not that is going to seem huge on any woman. Especially women that aren't runway model thin.
I think women's tennis should have a heavyweight division. Then they can put the Williams sisters and all the other amazon's in it to make it fair. Some of those chicks are bigger than the pro men's players. I would guess that they don't use AS. They just have genes that make them bigger and more athletic. they have been playing tennis all their life and if you have played at all you will know it's a heck of a workout. One match can last 3-4 hours sometimes. Although I wouldn't put it past them and their loney Dad to do anything to gain an edge.

As far as Anna goes, she is hot! She is pure sex appeal. She has that little girl, wild thing, I wanna be your dirty little slut attitude. I don't know what you people see but she has a hot body. Everytime I see her in a new sexy little tennis outfit...hhhmmmm.
Don't most African-American women who are athletes have an ancestoral (genetic) propensity for having more lean mass and to be larger overall? I have noticed in the recent past BB comps, especially nattys, that there are more and more African-Amercan women who are victorious over Caucasians. And in the general population, I see few thin/petite African-american women.

Hmmm...Looks like interesting research to me. I think I will get into this more later.
......Just over a year ago, one could barly tell the diff---between venus and serena---and venus made serena look silly on the serena has put on over 10-15 pounds of muscle and makes venus look tiny and bad on the court(if thats possible).......a few years back, it was considered a young man's or womens sport----now instead of being over the hill at 25, players are getting better....Why do you think that is? its not rocket science......How and Why does a guy like John McCanroe who looks like he has never touched a weight in his life, admit to steriod use..if he didn't admit it, everyone on here would say thier is no way in hell he has ever used it....its obvious to anyone that martina navatalova(sp) was on something(that was years ago)--and still is-----hell I've known many strippers that use clen and winny and barly hit the weight room-----how many of us have known high school athletes that have used gear? Is it really out of the question for professional athlethes to use hormone replacement therapy for bettering their game and/or injuries? And top athletes at that.... its the dirty little secret that know one wants to talk about or admit---mainly because most are uneducated on the subject and call it cheating--but for those who understand things, its a lot deeper then that..........steroids are wide spread and always will be---hell their are ping pong players that have tested positive of does not have to walk in ones shoes to understand why and how their game can keep going to the next level....

why has the home run record in baseball set many years ago been blown out of the water recently but know one has come close in recent years to Ted Williams .400 batting average....its pretty simple to me, steroids and or other agents will give one power and speed however what it won't do is make you place the ball any better then a person not using anything....hence is why ted williams record will live on for a long time--gear or no gear..something to think about....peace
by the way I've yet to meet any guy that is secure with himself not understand why women would think Brad Pitt is "hot" or Tom Cruise etc.....looking deeper then just their bodies, its easy for me or anyone I think to understand the charisma that they both have.....
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I watched the US Open and I do not see what all the fuss is about. The picture of Serena on here is of her in mid swing. When she's not hitting the ball her arms are not that hard. Her and her sister look like athletic women. In highschool we had girls that looked like that and I don't believe any of them were juicing. Look at Serenas legs. They are like most athletic black women. Very muscular but not really cut. IMO the men that are making a big deal over this are insecure that a woman can be strong and powerful without AS.
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