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Is Serena Williams juicing?

Just for comparison:

Serena 5'10 145lbs

Venus 6'1.5" 168lbs

5'10 @ 145lbs doesn't sound outrageous, but I don't know why people (especially on this board) get so bent out of shape when it's suggested their favorite athlete might be using enhancing drugs. She's a professional athlete & all sports have their drug users... why not the top players in tennis? I just accept most use something and just enjoy the sport.

As for serve speed, it might be better to compare Serena's to Greg Rusedski's @ 149mph
BronzedGoddess said:
Maybe a thread like this belongs on C&C, not the womens board. We celebrate strength in women.

I in no way shape of form are trying to belittle what serena has done with her career...Of course I and no one here walks in her shoes so it is only a guess wether or not she does. And I truly don't care either way---I for one did not start this thread -however just like you, I have given my opinion...Its not right or wrong and neither is yours for until she writes a book and tells all, we will never know.....You have mentioned that it has to be an insecurity for us to think she is on gear and I say this to you------If I were to say I believe Ronnie Coleman takes steroids, is that an insecurity also?????Or that the professional female bodybuilders are juiced to the gills, is that an insecurity? Surly I don't walk in Ronnie shoes or any pro female bodybuilders shoes---I am just giving my opinion and their are no facts what so ever saying that ronnie or any female bodybuilder(pro) is taking any gear--again unless we are shooting them up ourselves, it is only a guess-----Just like serena-----and its so far from an insecurity to have an opinion....

the fact that you stated you have put on 12 pounds in 8 weeks all natty is great but I will again bet the house that serenas body weight jumps up and down 8 pounds in a day with 5 hour practace sessions and who knows how long she hits the weight room...

I guess I really don't understand why someones OPINION on what someone does or doesn't do effects you so much.....If we all didn't have opinions, this board would be next to useless.....

again I can't say FOR SURE wether she does or doesn't and neither can you....thats where we stand......Just like almost 85% of all threads on this board, their is no facts to back up most of them....Just opinions-----and I for one respect yours on this subject--as I respect and enjoy reading everyone elses...hope this answers your p.m......peace
Everyone has missed the most important fact in all this.

Tennis is far more aerobic than it is anaerobic. Competitors will play tournaments back to back and usually play up to 7 matches including the final in the space of 2 weeks.

How in gods name, can two women maintain their levels of muscularity with that sort of program without juicing. I too have played tennis, and there is no way that either of the sisters could have the time to workout on top of their schedule or 2. have the recuperative abilities to workout on top of playing such gruelling schedules. So then how the hell do they maintain their muscle mass?
I think it would be pretty easy to figure out if Serena, Venus, Jen et all are on the juice - just get them to show you their clits - if they are packing a sausage down there, my money is on the juice...
There is no question in my mind that she uses roids.

W6 made a good point...her size is attainable without roids but she has the steroid hardness look. Also she was not even close to that large a few years ago and then all of a sudden BOOM she is on top of the womens tennis world with unreal power and pretty big muscles.

Now give Anna steroids and she would kick her ass in less than a years time. Womens tennis is all about power and speed and steroid use gives pro's a huge advantage over non using ladies.


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