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Is Serena Williams juicing?

I think the Williams' sisters have beautiful bodies. They might be on steroids (how the heck would I know), but their bodies don't suggest that to me. There are a lot of tall, strong women out there - as suggested here - the Williams' are probably very lean. At first, the media often portrayed them as hulking, scary beasts. Then, the sisters got Avon contracts and the cover of Elle...

I don't see the appeal of Anna. She's not exceptionally beautiful - I guess people think "She's pretty, for an ATHLETE." (Whatever that means)

I think Keanu Reeves is sexy, face-wise and body-wise. That lean, smooth, tawny body... Brad Pitt is Fight Club-sexy AND Snatch-sexy AND Interview with the Vampire-sexy...
I just assume that all pro atheletes, in what ever sport, are juiced to some extent. The Wiliams sisters are great players, and to my eye, they look pretty dense to be all natural.

And what actors put into their bodies is a truly terrifying thought. The abuse that actors and models go through is, to my mind, unhealthy and kind of sad.
Originally posted by MS
Any sociologists out there that can shed light on why so many guys like Anna and so many chicks like Pitt???

I've read some books on why guys and gals are attracted to certain types. Men have evolved to look for youth and beauty in their mate, which is an indication of good health. A young healthy woman is likely to produce more offspring then an older less healthy one. 1000's of years ago, before cosmetics and abundant food, you could not look young and beautiful without actually being healthy. That might not be true today, but a guys genes are still those of a caveman.

Thats why Anna is such a turn on for so many guys. She is pretty and looks extremely young. Her bright clear eyes, blonde hair, nice breasts, beautiful smile with pearly white teeth, smooth clear skin, and a youthful well porpotioned face are all indicators of a good mate.
Let's also not forget what "hot items" tennis has brought in the past -- no offense, but I don't find Billy Jean King or Martina particularly attractive. Chris Everett had her moments as well -- but its been a while since any good looking babes been in da game. Same for guys. Should Agassi have kept the hair?? McEnroe -- no thx. I'm not a tennis afficianado but there are some cute guys out there now. (God, how easy it is for us to judge LOL!)

I'd love to know the Williams sisters' diet & training regimen. They dont' look particularly musclebound -- just with some good solid muscle & nice & lean. Sort of the "sprinter" look.
I can remember when the Williams' sisters were making it big and I heard some woman on a radio program talking about how they must have been using creatine to get that I was like damn, it works like that????

Either way if they juice or not, I gotta give them props on their success over the past few years and how they've helped bring more attention to the sport of tennis.
I was just watching the Williams sisters on TV today. Venus isn't really what I would call "cut". Serena has really great upper body development (well, arms & shoulders), but her legs were lookin a little bloated. They are big, but don't look particularly developed and the girl does have some booty. I wish they would've shown her next to another person for some size perspective so my observations may be distorted. But yea, def more upper body cut than lower body.
Haz said:
Men have evolved to look for youth and beauty in their mate, which is an indication of good health. A young healthy woman is likely to produce more offspring then an older less healthy one.

The Williams sisters are young and healthy.
makedah said:
The Williams sisters are young and healthy.

Yes, but they don't look as "clean", pure and innocent as Anna.

Not saying I believe that, but it is what I think the general population thinks (consciously or subconsciously). I think the Wiliams sisters look amazing and extremely confident - plus they have the talent to back it up.

I think Anna is scrawny and plain. Does she have any muscle tone at all? All the pictures I see of her she looks puny. Definately not ugly, but nothing spectacular. And it ain't jealousy speaking either. I'm blonde, blue eyed, and young looking too! :)
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