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Is Serena Williams juicing?

"I was trying to find some nude pics of Anna. How can anyone be disappointed in her?"................This MUST be a guy thing. I can't put my finger on what it is, but guys (other than wilson6) seem to like that 'bedroom eyes' and 'nice boobs' look, and don't really see beyond that. Anna doesn't, to my eye, have any redeeming or noteable features from a female bodybuilder's perspective. But she exudes a nice "fuck me" aura which is prolly why she's so popular.

Should I edit my own post!?!?!?!?
MS said:
This MUST be a guy thing. I can't put my finger on what it is, but guys (other than wilson6) seem to like that 'bedroom eyes' and 'nice boobs' look, and don't really see beyond that.

Believe it or not W6 isn't the only one that can see past it...

Looking at her all I see is "high maintenance" and a snobbish look. The sad part is she isnt that good of a tennis player, respectively. However, she gets all kinds of endorsement money thrown at her because of that look that she "exudes"
Actually Anna's a fairly decent tennis player, she's just never won a singles tournament, but her game is definitely improving. She's won lots of doubles and has like over 3 mil in prize money, not too bad I'd say. She domnated in the matches I saw.
Pink Space Biscuit said:
Actually Anna's a fairly decent tennis player, she's just never won a singles tournament, but her game is definitely improving. She's won lots of doubles and has like over 3 mil in prize money, not too bad I'd say. She domnated in the matches I saw.

Wasn't tryin to take away from her all. Obviously, she has talent. She IS a professional tennis player. It's just that there are numerous women ranked ahead of her that don't get a fraction of what she gets from endorsements.
"The first time I really had a good look at Mia, she was doing a guest speaking segment regarding her foundation. I was immediately drawn to how calm and articulate she was"

How cool. I've never seen her in person, but photogenically I agree she is a "women's women". I don't know if I just made that up, but I think it's the equivalent of a "man's man"??? The face tells the whole story, and Mia is sexy even if they don't show you her boobs.

Of course guys constantly complain about the same problem....for instance WHY do so many women find guys like Brad Pitt or Keanu Reeves sexy????

I suspect we're not talking about tennis playing ability here. After all, when was the last time you saw a 'sexy' male tennis player. No matter how good they are, from an endorsement point of view sex will always sell better than ability. So Anna is a marketer's dream come true and the other women are just good tennis players.
MS said:

Of course guys constantly complain about the same problem....for instance WHY do so many women find guys like Brad Pitt or Keanu Reeves sexy????

I have the same question. Why DO they???? A bit more rugged, like they wouldn't fall over if you push them, is more my speed (well - not that I've CHECKED my speed re: men lately at all, but, you know, what the eyes can see ...)

As for Anna - I find her completely forgettable. She looks like a million other pretty girls out there. You wouldn't even see her in a crowd.

But now Mia - I have no clue who she is but she definitely looks like someone I'd be interested in getting to know. :)

Didn't Martina manage to do some good selling?
I think maybe your average man or women are both attracted to similar things... Someone of the opposite sex who is not too threatening but still has the gender qualities they are looking for. If this were ture then both 'normal' men and women would prefer a less masculine, less muscled look, but men would want boobs and women would like lean but not too big ( an no boobs!). Any sociologists out there that can shed light on why so many guys like Anna and so many chicks like Pitt???
I don't know why anyone thinks Keanu Reeves is attractive. He doesn;t have particularly great features facially and he isn't even a good actor. The Matrix was good but he never changed his expression or his tone of voice.

Brad Pitt, though...I can answer that one. Two words: Fight Club. Ripped, hard, muscular body and rugged, chiseled facial features. Yeah, he could be bigger and that would be nice, but given the celebrity options he's up there.

Personally, I do not dig the excessively muscular male bodybuilders - the ones who look like theyve used tons of roids. I am attracted to women and men who have hard, lean bodies that they *look* like they achieved naturally. Of course, this is not to say that I can't admire the monsters on a different level of aestheticity (ie: one that doesn't require sexual attraction).
spatts said:
Mia Hamm led the US Women's Soccer team to victory. She did most of the post game talking. Very team oriented, and well spoken.

Definitely a leader...both during the game and afterwards
And don't forget the Brandi Chastain explosion showing off her 'sports bra' ... of course, I was appreciative of the fact that she was showing her muscular body and it proves that the women of the soccer world trained hard for their gold.


scroll down to her two pics - - sports bra & the one from Gear Magazine
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