Besides you mom and sister they are all sluts.
Most women are sluts just like most men are sluts. Equal rights for men and women leads to more choices which equals sluts on both sides. Women are equal in the United States and have actually more power than us men in regards to sexual encounters. Go to most countries overseas and you can find a really good women because she is not "Americanized". Otherwise stay here bang the carear driven or gold diggin sluts and look for the rare diamond in the rough that you may find.
Most women are sluts just like most men are sluts. Equal rights for men and women leads to more choices which equals sluts on both sides. Women are equal in the United States and have actually more power than us men in regards to sexual encounters. Go to most countries overseas and you can find a really good women because she is not "Americanized". Otherwise stay here bang the carear driven or gold diggin sluts and look for the rare diamond in the rough that you may find.