There's something extremely odd about htis thread - it keeps floating back up to the top of the board when the last poster was later than other threads up there - very weird indeed. Do poll threads get bumped if people only vote on them, not post?
Anyway - what am I calling back? Just lats, rhomboids and erectors. With traps it would be more sets.
OK, what I USED to do, until a couple of weeks ago:
Deadlifts x5 (sets)
Pull-ups (well, static hangs, since I'm so weak) x 2
bb rows x3
pull-downs x2
one-arm db rows x2
Deads in the 5-7 rep range, the rest in the 7-10 rep range
I've cut it to 9 or 10 now, plus 3 for traps.
MS, could you tell me WHEN and WHERE the times and places are for high or low volume? This is my problem, and what nobody has been very specific on - I don't know this stuff - I just want to learn. I'm OK with mixing and matching my training if I can see reasonable objectives and goals for what I'm doing. I didn't seem to gain much with traditional periodisation - but maybe I was doing it wrong, or maybe my sense of "gain" is skewed
... I was following textbook recommendations. I DID find out that Fred Hatfield's microcycles are WAY too high volume for me, but have mostly been prodding around in the dark since then. Being on a diet all the time doesn't help. I intend to explore a lot of different training styles next year. But in the meantime, what are you calling "high" volume, and what is "low". And what are the likely times/goals one would use these?
THIS is what I need to know, not an EXACT answer - I need the framework, the rationale, then filling in the pieces is easy, right?