New member
Im gonna answer this question, and i probably shouldnt. but for the most part I dont give a shit. actually i really dont give a shit at all, untill other people start giving a shit. Then for some reason i start thinking about it, and my opinion on the issue.
Well you have to consider two things
Wouldnt it be great if everyone in the world was one colour?
If you said something along the lines of "no thatd be boring" the your essetially against interacial dating. because the end product of IR couples will be a genetically unified people. Given long enough of a time span.
Personally i love the diffreces betwee ethic groups, and I can understand what all those asian pride guys, nazis, skinheads, and black panthers are talking about when they go off about racial seperation. I think a world without all those diffrences would just be that much more bland. but thinking about this realistically, those diffreces wouldnt be bred out through IR. theyd be bred amoung. still existant but just spread across the entire population in diffrent combinations.
As far as my gut reaction to IR dating? like i said i dont really care. I do find it lame when chicks date guys just cause its fashionable. Like i know alot of asian girls in my city are hooking up with white guys, just cause its fashionable to do so. Thats kinda lame, as was said before... love is blind. so its occurance should not be based solely on apperance or race either.
What i think about myself with girls of other ethnicities: Generally Im all about the white girls, but I always end up hookin up with ethnic chicks, ive only ever bee with one white girl, and she was polish. IMHO I think scandinavian girls are absolutely beautiful. Slavic Girls are the jewels of europe as far as im concerned. Specifically balkans. I dont specifically have a thing for asians, but for some reason I have a really easy time getting with them. and black chicks, wellll... they look good on TV. But all and all i dont really care, i judge a girls looks by her looks not by her race.
Well you have to consider two things
Wouldnt it be great if everyone in the world was one colour?
If you said something along the lines of "no thatd be boring" the your essetially against interacial dating. because the end product of IR couples will be a genetically unified people. Given long enough of a time span.
Personally i love the diffreces betwee ethic groups, and I can understand what all those asian pride guys, nazis, skinheads, and black panthers are talking about when they go off about racial seperation. I think a world without all those diffrences would just be that much more bland. but thinking about this realistically, those diffreces wouldnt be bred out through IR. theyd be bred amoung. still existant but just spread across the entire population in diffrent combinations.
As far as my gut reaction to IR dating? like i said i dont really care. I do find it lame when chicks date guys just cause its fashionable. Like i know alot of asian girls in my city are hooking up with white guys, just cause its fashionable to do so. Thats kinda lame, as was said before... love is blind. so its occurance should not be based solely on apperance or race either.
What i think about myself with girls of other ethnicities: Generally Im all about the white girls, but I always end up hookin up with ethnic chicks, ive only ever bee with one white girl, and she was polish. IMHO I think scandinavian girls are absolutely beautiful. Slavic Girls are the jewels of europe as far as im concerned. Specifically balkans. I dont specifically have a thing for asians, but for some reason I have a really easy time getting with them. and black chicks, wellll... they look good on TV. But all and all i dont really care, i judge a girls looks by her looks not by her race.