i am trying to do a similar approach at the moment, mon tue and wed are "higher" carb days around 150g mainly in first meal , as these are my big bodypart training days , then thursday is low carb maybe 50g then friday arms is a weak bp so 150g and then sat and sun will be low carb 50g unless i throw in another quad session saturdays then will up sat to 150g
is that ok 4 maybe 5 high carb days
2 low carb days maybe 3
everyday though calories below maintenance round 2500-3000
i am now in day 4 and it def gets alot easier for anyone in my position just starting, day 1 was hell, extreme hunger followed by extreme bloat, day 2 was alot better and day 3 was very manageable , although i am still holding water .
weight has been consistent throughout which i am not concerned about as i can feel holding alot of water but should get better soon