I currently have several sore areas that cause me pain either at the gym or on days off. First my right elbow is suffering from some form of tennis elbow. It hurts a bit when I curl but even worse when I'm doing some normal task during the day. I wear a tight elbow wrap when I lift heavy bi's. My right wrist is now starting to hurt like crazy but I know that's from the heavy straight bar curls with the 5x5 routine I'm doing. I'm now at 140 on the straight bar curls and it kills my wrist. Finally I have a bad ankle from basketball a few years back when I rolled it about three times in one summer. I usually just ignore pain and work through it, but lately with the soreness in the elbow and wrist I'm thinking of backing off a notch and letting it rest. What should I do? I don't want to stop training arms but that is what is making me sore. As for the ankle I no nothing can help that. I've been working the calves hard for the last few months with little growth and lots of pain and soreness to show for it. I plan to cut in three more weeks and with the running I'm concerned with how my ankle will hold up, any thoughts?