thanks again all
Mrs. TG - hell yeah for the drugs.... i'd like them to give me enough to knock me out for the first 3 or 4 weeks of sleeplessness
Spatts (you finally changed your name to spatts... cool!!
) - the girlfriend book was quite comical, but full of some bad information... all and all good reading but not necessarily a bible to live by
the first tri was okay for me... it sucked being up in Toronto (i had some border problems and so i had to go back to T.O. and wait for my paperwork to go through... the guy was in GA the whole time
)... i was queasy and nauseated (sp?) but only tossed the proverbial cookies once...
i like the new found breasts, they rule!!!... i keep asking the doctor if i can keep them
VB - i had my first ultrasound just over two weeks ago... (at 11w 3d) and one word.... WOW... it was so awesome to see this little tiny person bouncing around like crazy... i cried indeed... i was upset that the guy couldn't come with me (he was in Georgia)... but i'm going to try to scam another soon, and then i'll have the 20w one...
the ultrasound i did was a test for downs and other birth defs (called nuchal translucency for those who like to know those things)... done btwn 11w-14w they take a measurement of an area near the baby's neck and predict your risk level (based on a calculation that factors in age, gestation, ect)... from all research i've found, the lowest reading in sample groups for this one measurement (the lower the better) was 1.0mm... mine little one measured in at 0.7mm.... i havent' had a chance to discuss the results with my doctor yet, but all indications are that this is awesome!
one awesome thing happened at the ultrasound... the tech was doing all the measurements and whatnot and when she finally showed me the screen and said "this is your baby", a little tiny hand went up and waved... it was like she's saying "that's me, over here" so i wouldn't mistake her with all those other baby-like things growing inside me?! i think i have a smartass on my hands already
Spatts - i'll be doing the classes... i'm a geek and want the whole experience... besides i don't know a lot of people here in Georgia and it'll give me a chance to meet up with others that i'll have something in common with...
well i think i feel like mexican...