biteme said:
I preferred to meet them online. Lots of people have found good relationships that way. There all kinds of avenues and online dating is not a bad thing for many people. That's all a thing of the past for me now though, I have my dream girl.
im glad you found her man. it sounded like you were looking hard, and you finally got someone good.
ive been told that online dating is more for older people and that younger people dont need it and shouldnt use it.
ive also been told that for girls who are my age who are online are usually desperate or have some kind of issues.
all i know is that im going to spend more time getting to know a woman before i give her my attention, because some women are such whores and scum that they dont deserve much. and i gave too much away.
jd_uk said:
lol. I'm sorry but that's just funny. It's like she's punishing you for being a pussy with her. So you know what you've gotta do....toughen up once and for all. Either that or wait for a nice girl cos not all girls are like her. Personally i think you would have felt better if you'd fucked her well and then refused to speak to her again.
its not funny at all. how the hell is it funny? i felt like crap when she told me what she was doing. i didnt deserve that.
tougher skin would help, but i should really avoid these kinds of girls. i dont know about the fuck her part, but if I hadnt spoken to her aftewards, i bet i would have felt better.
heavy_duty said:
You just said it man. You CANT handle a relationship.
Sex and marriage is not for everybody.
I dont think you'll ever have a lady or get married.
I know at least 2 guys JUST like you but they are older. One is 40 and the other is 45 they both make great money have a few cars but have never had a girlfriend. They are not gay (also they dont know each other LOL)
It's just that pussy is not for them...they dont know how to approach women, they have never dated and dont date and it has been going on so long that I belive they are going to be alone for ever.
You're going to wake up in 10 years and feel like even more of a fuck up than you feel like now.
Maybe you're right. Maybe me being single forever is my destiny. I'm not happy about that, but then again, how can I change it? I've tried changing it in the past and my efforts have been useless. And I'm getting old enough now where its harder and harder to start learning.
KillahBee said:
A few notes, before I stab my eyeballs out:
1) DO NOT blame "women" for this or let this mold your view of them. The girl you are describing IS NOT a skank, whore, or anything else. She is just playing the game. It's not her fault.
2) STOP DUCKING RESPONSIBILITY. Everything that happens to you is a byproduct of YOU - your actions, your mindset, your views, your whole person. It's nobody's fault but your own.
3) Seriously, you should take another hiatus from EF. It's not good for you.
1) I'm blaming this woman primarily, and any other ones who act like her. Why would she purposely try to make me feel bad or be ignorant enough to not realize that she is doing so, and why is that a game?
2) So it's my fault that this chick said that and then I felt bad afterwards?
Maybe I should have been more selective about who I got involved with, I'll admit that, but I basically learned that lesson the hard way.
3) I'm hardly ever on here.
jackangel said:
please keep calling her a woman. please do that. lol, she actually IMed with you and said she was with another guy? lmao.
I'm calling her a whore from now on. If I call her a woman, its by accident.