Hey Small..I make my own version of them now. Bill Cosby would be proud!
I avoid the ice-cream isle at the grocery so I have no idea if they make them still. I USE TO LOVE 'EM AS WELL- Better than sex sometimes...Wait..what did I just say? I must be crazy...hehehe
I am on my way to buy some of those popsicles,never had them before .....Vixen honey what about the carbs,if their sugar free they don't have any right? I hope they don't. Anyway today is my cheating day I just had a ONE POUND LEAN MEAT BURGER with cheese and bacon
Originally posted by latinlover
I am on my way to buy some of those popsicles,never had them before .....Vixen honey what about the carbs,if their sugar free they don't have any right? I hope they don't.
Latin- I use to eat the fat free ice-creams - UNTIL I looked at the carbs they have! Next time you get to the ice-cream section- TAKE A LOOK! You'll be shocked. I stay away from the ice-cream department- I LOVE ICE CREAM- Arrrghhh.....I make my own pops now..Sugar free pudding/fat free pudding. 2 grams carbs and they freeze pretty good and quench my cravings when I get 'em.
thanks Vixen,I did went to buy the pops and they have lots of carbs plus some of them taste like cough syrup.I am going to do your popsicles and give them a try,I am not so much into icecream and never have,but we do need something to stop the cravings once in awhile