pitbullstl said:Ya see, the back of the t-shirt depicted two black people being drug behind the back of a truck, driven by two hooded klansmen........
That there, is what we call a hate crime. According to the FBI, you can not think it, display it, or do it. As far as thought crime, I'm sure that's not to far away.
I am not sure this even makes sense.
Can't think it? In Amerika? Thought is monitored now? Where have I been? FBI? Since when did the FBI ever make a law?
Sounds like the USSR, where you could be denounced for Un-Communist actitivies. Yes, thought crime...and switch FBI to KGB.
Scary. At least it is to me. To the rest of our head in the sand population, of course it was wrong, a black person was upset.
We're doomed.
But instead of arguing semantics, I'd rather chalk this up to: we're all on the same page, the kid was in the wrong, got his ass whooped, which will either do one of two things; deter him from doing this again, or further drive the misplaced negative stereotypes he already had deeper into his psyche.
So at best there is a 50% chance of a positive outcome? Nice. good thing we have a mountain of discrimination laws, affirmative action, the NAACP and whatever idiot groups are out there today.
I'm not trying to break your balls here, but people are always going to hate each other. You can't change that. Short, tall white, black, ugly...whatever...hatred will always be there.
And when racism is emphasized as the wrongest of wrongs, it just perpetuates racism, because we're told how "equal" everyone is, and the world disproves this on a daily basis. Attempts to level the playing field inherently turn the givers against the takers when the takers fuck up.
it's all such bullshit. Anger and hatred always follow from that. This is 101 level psychology, and we keep getting it wrong.