30- 45mins cardio every day
2hrs resistance and weight training 5 days a wk
breakfast= protein shake , fresh berries, fresh fruit mainly bannanas
(You should start breakfast with grains and protein, such as 1/3 c oatmeal and 3 scrambled eggs with 1 yolk or not)
snacks= nuts (peacan) easy body protein bar,fresh fruit (
Protein shake)
lunch=chicken breast, prawns or ham with mixed salad
(Add brown rice here to the chicken and salad)
Add another meal here like meal #3 with vegetables and sweet potato or couscous or quinoa)
dinner= chicken breast,sometimes steak or pork steak, steamed veg and or salad (
Have fish and vegetables. Fish is VERY important to our diets)
snack= protien shake
(If you need to have a protein drink before bed, then have a casein pp. This protein will work through the night without catabolism)
hope this is enough info if not let me no thanks
