Bor, I'll post a Time magazine article from the head of Harvard's toxicology department who kinda says the same thing.
Maybe the awesomeness of all the olive oil and garlic I mix with it will cancel out the mercury.
The problem with heavy metals is they're very hard, if not impossible, for our bodies to remove. Nothing good cancels it out.
Put it this way, you start getting weird ass neurologic symptoms, like restless legs syndrome, unexplainable numbness or tingling in fingers or toes you might want to consider getting a heavy metal screen and quit cold turkey, that's all.
The other problem is that when you're more toxic from mercury it impairs your thinking and you start uh, well, going crazy

(the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland was mad because hat makers were nuts from inhaling the mercury vapors during the process of curing felt).
Anyway, I'm not saying don't eat tuna, hell, I eat the stuff myself, but 2 lbs. a day, most days,
is a bit much.
Be well, man, just be well