I put a cup into a blender with carb countdown milk, ANPB, banana, whey protein, and some ice. Blend it up to make a pretty tasty shake and it's quick and easy, I use it for meal #2
The best way to eat it I have found is to cook it then add my all the whey protein pwder 2 servings per cup of oatmeal then mix it all up I can eat it hot like that for breakfeast or eat it cold as a awesome tasting snack later in the day and its the perfect food.What can be better for you than oatmeal with whey protein?Not to mention tastes incredible hot or cold,great on the go snack too.
I mix scrambled egg whites in with cook oats and add some cinamon - trust me guys I have fallen in love with this....
Alternatively add oats, egg whites, cinamon, raisens into a bowl, mix and wack in a pan and cook as a pancake - best idea i have come across and tastes splender