Well last weekend my mother in law came down to watch the kids for us. It was the first weekend her and i had together alone in 2 years. So she and her co workers got invited to a birthday party for this guy they work with which happens to be gay... i mean fairy gay. So she wanted me to go friday night i said i would just sit in the hotel that night and she could go with her friends. So she goes if you go ill let you do anything you want to me when we get back to the hotel.. So i was like hmmmm. So i got all dressed up to impress the boys at da club lol. So we get there and get to the bar and i am shocked on how many women are there besides the birthday party. So we start to walk over to the party and i go im heading to the bar. So i walk over to the bar and notice the bartender is a strapping young man lol. So i feel totally un comforntbale and i start drinking purple mother fuckers, called alot of different names. So afer a bit my wife comes over and introuduces me to this guy whos birthday it is , nice guy but can you say queer eye for the straight guy. He thanks me for coming and shit bla bla. So now my wife and me and her friends are drinking at the bar. some dude comes over and asks me to dance lol i am like no i am here with my wife.. This dude goes to my wife do you mind and courtney is like helll no go baby she goes .. i am like hell no and this point i am wasted beyond wasted . She goes remember what i said. So before i know it walking out ot the dance floor fast dancing to some song i dont even rmember. Then my wife and her friends all join in . i am so drunk i am dancing close to this girl my wife works with like i am right in her face i look around and my wife is dancing smiling at me. so song ends and i walk back to the bar. We all have a few more drinks as were getting ready to leave my wife goes amber is going to come back to hotel and have a few more drink with us this is the girl i was dancing with. so we have to call a cab cause we are all to wasted to drive. We get back to the hotel and i lay on the bed and i think i passed out for a minute cause next thing i know i feel my wife hands un button my pants then i feel her friends hand on my leg i look at my wife she smiles and the rest is history thing is we have not talked about it since it happned not even once .