This is as far as I'm willing to go. Smh asking me to make a cock meat sandwich with hundreds. Holding up paper cocks and shit. Man this thread has gone to shit. From jobs to hundreds and cocks. NEEEEXXXXTTTT!!!
What a shitty run outfit. The fact that they would ask u to book feeling ill a few days in advance is ridculuous. Have u been late a few times? That'd be the only reason i could see them sending u a msg like that just to make point. If someone calls in and says they not feeling good and then they show up I would admire that they want to work.
If ur pretty reliable then it sounds like someone there has got it in for u and I'd get a lawyer and start looking for a new job and have them pay ur bills until u find one. If u go back in I'd pull records that back up ur performance.
Ur manager apparently has something against u to take the situation up a notch and inform other mgrs. Could they be threatened by ur performance?
This is as far as I'm willing to go. Smh asking me to make a cock meat sandwich with hundreds. Holding up paper cocks and shit. Man this thread has gone to shit. From jobs to hundreds and cocks. NEEEEXXXXTTTT!!!
People who brag about how much money they have or make are the one's who are broke. Even if you did have that much cash on hand why would you? Makes no sense to not have it invested making you money instead of taking pictures of it and posting it on an internet forum.