It actually is NOT weird. It is very normal. I will assume this is a relatively newer thing for you that you noticed - since getting off of the hormonal BCP?
Your fluids change with your hormonal makeup. Your hormones fluxuate depending on where you are in your cycle.
If your period was about 7 days ago, then you should be entering your fertile phase - assuming ovulation on day 14. The fluid (discharge, or cervical mucus) will become more watery, then more slippery and like egg whites as you get closer to ovulation. After ovulation, you will dry up quickly - usually within hours of ovulation. You should remain pretty dry until your period. The watery-egg white fluid is fertile - it means that sperm can live in it - and survive to fertilize the egg.
Green tea thins cervical fluid - it makes it more watery. So this excess watery fluid is likely due to the green tea AND where you are in your cycle.
Also, people who drink more water notice more watery cervical fluid. This is why, when you are trying to get PG, you should increase your fluid intake. SInce you likely drin ka ton of water - this is contributing.