Don't try and make your dick grow by pulling or prodding it. What do you think it is anyways? Jesus man, he's gonna ruin his shit if he does that. Its not stretch armstrong.
Actually when you "hold it in" you are just working a muscle, and it's actually supposed to help you control when you cum. I have never heard anything about it being bad for you.
When I say "hold it in" I mean at the sme time yoru having yoru orgasm where the fluid is ready to come out. Is it bad to let that fluid just go right back in?
When I say "hold it in" I mean at the sme time yoru having yoru orgasm where the fluid is ready to come out. Is it bad to let that fluid just go right back in?
First off: flexing your pc muscle prior to ejaculation not only increases the sensation of orgasm, but it also (slowly) makes it stronger. Of course, kegels during a boring class would be far more effective
Regarding your other question/problem.. you could always jelq. I've been jelquing for only a week and my erection seems to be quite a bit harder, my penis looks more vascular, and it looks more hung.