5-HTP works on your seritonin reuptake, so it could possibly affect your sex drive, just like prozac would. I've taken both - 5-HTP was fine, the prozac didn't kill my sex drive, just made it hard to orgasm. You can try it and see how it works - it's really cheap, and it's out of your system quickly. You might get headaches from it though. I tried Citrimax for appetite suppressing - it's crap. I'm in the same boat, I'm trying to suppress my appetite without stimulants also. I've been taking Meridia for the past three weeks. It's not that great - it's supposed to work like 5-htp would, or prozac I guess by restricting serotonin reuptake. I guess it works a little, but not enough, that's for sure. No sexual side effects on it at all. I guess it takes the edge off, but like I said - no as much as it should for a prescription drug. My friend is taking it also, it's working great for her. I think I might be damaged goods from taking too many drugs in the past - I'm brain damaged