Okay, as you can see from the other thread I started, my cardio workouts have gotten off to a bad start by doing too much cardio at too high of an intensity. I want to nip this in the bud, right here right now before progressing too far in my routine. I am about two weeks in now.
Stats: 34 male, 5ft 10in, 192 lbs, and approximately 18% body fat. (I am getting an official body fat test tomorrow)
Goals: To lose weight while at the same time gaining muscle. I don't want to be bulky, but I would like to be "cut", I guess that is the term for not too much muscle, like this dude. I am not sure if I can achieve this at my age, but this gives you a general idea of what kind of routine would suit me good.
Image: http://a753.g.akamai.net/7/753/1125/7d20d69fc52252/www.menshealth.com/images2/fitness2/ironedout.jpg
I just need some basic pointers. Before you suggest, I have already searched these forums, but we are all different and have different stats and goals. So I didn't want to copy a wrong routine and six months later come in here crying the blues. But if you know of a link location that has a routine that is similar to what I am seeking, feel free to link it. ANY help at all is appreciated.
My main questions.
1. How much and how frequent should I do my cardio? Right now, I am at 5 days a week (thought more was better) and was shown I was wrong by the more experienced in the other thread. I am thinking of cutting it back to 20-30 minute moderate sessions 3 times per week first thing in the morning on an empty stomach?
2. I work out my upper and lower body twice a week. Is this sufficient? I go hard, and intense, with about 3 sets and 6 reps. To get the "cut" look, should I go lighter and more reps?
3. Post workout meal. What would you suggest? I have been eating about a 8 oz chicken breast and a 6oz potato within 30 minutes after my workouts. Trying to stay away from MRP's, but I may have no choice?
4. Supplements. Currently taking 3 flaxseed oil capsules before each meal, twice daily multi-vitamin (could use a suggestion on best kind), 1 gram of vitamin C before three meals, 200mcg of chromium Picolinate along with one heaping teaspoon of creatine after my workout, and I also have NYC on order should be here tomorrow. I am sure I am missing something important here, or maybe I need to remove some supps, or maybe both.
I am sure there are some things I am missing here, (if you any tips off hand, please share them) and I will most likely think of more questions later. But these questions are most definitely the ones at the top of my mind.
Thanks in advance for any help or guidance. I sure could use some as you can see!!
Stats: 34 male, 5ft 10in, 192 lbs, and approximately 18% body fat. (I am getting an official body fat test tomorrow)
Goals: To lose weight while at the same time gaining muscle. I don't want to be bulky, but I would like to be "cut", I guess that is the term for not too much muscle, like this dude. I am not sure if I can achieve this at my age, but this gives you a general idea of what kind of routine would suit me good.
Image: http://a753.g.akamai.net/7/753/1125/7d20d69fc52252/www.menshealth.com/images2/fitness2/ironedout.jpg
I just need some basic pointers. Before you suggest, I have already searched these forums, but we are all different and have different stats and goals. So I didn't want to copy a wrong routine and six months later come in here crying the blues. But if you know of a link location that has a routine that is similar to what I am seeking, feel free to link it. ANY help at all is appreciated.
My main questions.
1. How much and how frequent should I do my cardio? Right now, I am at 5 days a week (thought more was better) and was shown I was wrong by the more experienced in the other thread. I am thinking of cutting it back to 20-30 minute moderate sessions 3 times per week first thing in the morning on an empty stomach?
2. I work out my upper and lower body twice a week. Is this sufficient? I go hard, and intense, with about 3 sets and 6 reps. To get the "cut" look, should I go lighter and more reps?
3. Post workout meal. What would you suggest? I have been eating about a 8 oz chicken breast and a 6oz potato within 30 minutes after my workouts. Trying to stay away from MRP's, but I may have no choice?
4. Supplements. Currently taking 3 flaxseed oil capsules before each meal, twice daily multi-vitamin (could use a suggestion on best kind), 1 gram of vitamin C before three meals, 200mcg of chromium Picolinate along with one heaping teaspoon of creatine after my workout, and I also have NYC on order should be here tomorrow. I am sure I am missing something important here, or maybe I need to remove some supps, or maybe both.
I am sure there are some things I am missing here, (if you any tips off hand, please share them) and I will most likely think of more questions later. But these questions are most definitely the ones at the top of my mind.
Thanks in advance for any help or guidance. I sure could use some as you can see!!