I met this girl about a month ago. Her name is Lacee. I love that fucking name. I am two years older than her. She is 17 I am 19. Im trying my best not to have sex with her but after all the comments its just getting harder and harder, literally. She is a virgin. Which means if I hit it I will not be able to get away from her and if I do she will cause problems for me. I think she knows how I am thinking about the situation and is trying her damnest to make it harder on me. She was in my car on the way home the other night and started showing me her thongs and saying they were feeling uncomfortable tonight. She always rubs my arm while I am driving. Its like I'm trying to keep her there for another year or however long until she is 18. She leaves the sexiest voice messages on my phone. Damn.
Who would hit it and who wouldn't and why?
Who would hit it and who wouldn't and why?