I learned from my father to be verbally abusive, controlling, overbearing, demanding, demeaning, suspicious, snoopy, uncaring, uncaring with sex (way too aggressive for her) which ended up hurting her.
She is a passive personality and holds everything in without saying a word till it is too late. So, I was able to exploit this in her and manipulate and control her.
Now, she has her own major, major faults as well that hurt me just as much with words, deeds and actions.
So together, we make a perfect couple doomed to a lifetime of repeating cycles. Her love tank finally ran dry and she had to seek it elsewhere. Unfortunately, she found the temporary filling. She has never said she was in love with said dude, but that her heart for a time belonged elsewhere. Man, that hurt.
But we both realized we have problems and we sought help to get them corrected so we can work on us and become one again.
Unfortunately, she has the hardest part. Breaking it off with dude. She has told me she has no intentions of seeing him again and hasn't so far. So, if this doesn't work out he will be there. Whatever, he will have nailed another half dozen chicks by then.
She is just keeping a safety net which just sets her up for automatic failure at achieving her goal of bettering herself, which will let her feel those emotions again for me so that we may be healed. She feels a certain amount of loyalty to the dude. All new lovers develop this. That is how I knew she was gettin boned! A few days before Easter she told me she was uncomfortable with me seeing her naked. Ouch! Then, on Easter morning, I started to initiate intimacy and she pulled away and told me that she is no longer comfortable being that way with me. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I cried like a baby for the first time in 20 years! It then went down hill from there. I called her bluff on a Vegas trip and she bought it and confessed. After a while she asked me to trust her to do what she needed me to do. I said yes, I would. She then told me she would do everything in her power to make us work.
I then got said committment two weeks later at counselors office.