because no matter how i do them i feel like i'm doing them wrong. i'll take my dv camera with me sometime tomorrow and show you guys what i'm talking about.
i had this problem for a while, i felt like i wasnt doing them right. So i sucked it up, put away my pride and lowered the weight so i could do them right, now im squatting more the right way then i ever did before the wrong way.
I had the same problem for a while. I switched to a smith machine for a month so I could get used to the movement without having to worry about keeping my balance. Then I went back to freeweights and I havnt had a problem since
Ahhh...just got done with some 5x5 squats. Such a great feeling to fight the weight on that last rep and win. Sure, they're hard, but I love watching the world spin when I'm done. They're my second favorite only to deads.