At the moment I am getting most of my good fats from virgin olive oil (which tastes like SHIT) but per 100g of mayo there is 79g fat and only 3g of that is saturated!
mayo is my saviour!
hold on the stallion.....look at the other ingreditents......hydro. oils and GARBAGE..........stick with olive or flax bro........Mayo is 99% garbage........
lol, it's the worst when you think you've FINALLY found the secret food that you can eat, tastes like pure bliss and is healthy too.. then someone like JKurz1 makes your world come crashing down with a little reality
hold on the stallion.....look at the other ingreditents......hydro. oils and GARBAGE..........stick with olive or flax bro........Mayo is 99% garbage........
I stand corrected....there are some decent natty mayo brands, but SOME do have complete junk for ingreditents......learn something new everyday.......I still would rather do some ranch dressing insead....