as for Nutrition follow this meals plan :
9:00 AM Meal 1# 6 egg whites with 2 yolks, 1 cup of high-fiber Cereal with Milk
12:00 PM Meal 2# Chicken sandwitch or turkey sandwitch with lettuce, mayonaise ...
3:00 Meal 3# ( Pre Workout ) 8oz Beef, 1 cup of rice, peas & carrots or any vegetables
6:00 Meal 4# (Post Workout) 1 Chicken breast, potatoes, vegetables and/or Fruits either Apples, Bananas or grapes
9:00 Meal 5# Chicken breasts, either potatoes or rice, vegetables
12:00 AM Meal 6# Chicken breasts, 1 Apple & 1 Banana
Meal 1# 3 whole eggs, 10 oz nonfat yogurt, 1 banana, 8 oz orange juice
Meal 2# 1 cups Vector, 6oz tuna, couple of Bread
Meal 3# (Pre Workout) Chicken breasts, Cream of Wheat & Fruits
Meal 4# (Post Workout) Chicken breasts, Pasta " either lazania, polonaise or spaghetti " Vegetables and Fruits
Meal 5# 8-10oz Tuna, Potatoes
Meal 6# Chicken breasts & Fruits
Meal 1# Oatmeal mixed with chocolate or vanilla protein powder
Meal 2# 8 oz. nonfat yogurt mixed with protein powder
Meal 3# 6 oz. tuna on pita bread:
Meal 4# 2 French Bread Pizzas
Meal 5# 2 cups cooked white rice, 8 oz. turkey breast, 1 cup broccoli
Meal 6# 2 servings cottage cheese with fruit or vegetables
Drink a lot of water & keep away from junk food
As for Training, Follow this routine :
Monday : Chest - Biceps
Tuesday : Back - Triceps
Wednesday : Shoulders
Friday : Legs
Saturday : Chest - Biceps
Sunday : Back - Triceps
Tuesday : Shoulders
Wednesday : Legs
Thursday : Chest - Biceps
and so on, 3 days on 1 day off
Chest - Biceps :
3 sets of Barbell Bench Press 10rep.
2 sets of Dumbell Bench Press 10rep.
3 sets of Incline Barbell Press 10rep.
3 sets of DIPS
3 sets of Cable curl 12rep.
3 sets of alternating dumbell curl 12rep.
3 sets of Barbell curl 12rep.
Back - Triceps :
4 sets of Pulldown 15rep.
3 sets of Barbell rows 10rep.
2 sets of Dumbell rows 10rep.
3 sets of Cable rows 10rep.
3 sets of Triceps Pushdown 12rep.
3 sets of Lying Triceps extensions 10rep.
3 sets of standing Triceps extensions 10rep.
Shoulders :
3 sets of Front Barbell Press 12rep.
3 sets of Behind nack Barbell Press 12rep.
3 sets of Dumbell Press 12rep.
3 sets of Side Lateral Raises 12rep.
3 sets of Upright rows 12rep.
2 sets of Dumbell Shrugs 30rep.
3 sets of Barbell Press Shrugs 15rep.
Legs :
3 sets of Leg extensions 15rep.
2 sets of Squat 20rep.
4 sets of Squat 12rep.
3 sets of Leg Press 10rep.
3 sets of Stiff legged dead lift 10rep.
3 sets of Leg curl 10rep.
3 sets of Calve raises
Perform a two warmup sets of 20-30rep. for each bodypart
Streching after each exercise is very important
Note : Do not train with 4-6 rep., this theory do not work for beginners/intermediate bodybuilders it's just works for the professional bodybuilders to peak muscles not to build muscles
You have to build muscles gently before thinking of getting it big, building muscles is essential it doesn't matter if you're look muscular but you still have to build more & more muscles therefor stick with the basics lift very gently with a super slow form to get all the effectiveness from all exercises
Good luck
I hope that helped
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