Would you guys recommend this. I know they make it without ephedring now, is it still as effective as it was with it? Also are there any other diet pills that may be as effective or more. I just want to show more definition before I go on vacation.
Would you guys recommend this. I know they make it without ephedring now, is it still as effective as it was with it? Also are there any other diet pills that may be as effective or more. I just want to show more definition before I go on vacation.
Imo - Diet is probably about 90%, training 10%. The diet pills will AID with the combination if you are at a plateau or something of the like, but certainly will not be the reason you become tone.
And no, hydroxcut is not nearly as effective without ephedrine and there are a handful of other supplements that would be much more effective..
A ton of people here love the fat loss aids at the AF store. Thermorexin and Glucerol have worked as well for me as many of the ephedra based products that I have used. IMHO hydroxycut sucks.