I might have ice cream once a week. I usually set aside sat. or sun. as my cheat day. Sometimes I cheat during the week. But if I do cheat during the week, it is not on something super bad, just fruit or some granola cereal. But if I am on a cutting diet for summer or a contest. Cheats don't even come into my mind.
I don't think of my eating as a diet. I think of it as eating clean day in and day out, and straying away from my eating habits for a meal or two. We all know that eating clean is not just going on a diet for 12 weeks. And the people who get in shape and stay in shape eat clean all the time. It's a lifestyle, not a diet. If you eat ice-cream, then enjoy it while your eating it and then move on and hit the gym and eat clean for as long as you can.
I think a lot of people make the mistake(like I have)of eating bad for more than a day. I think that in our minds, me think that since we had one cheat meal, either we feel bad and decide to eat more, or we just think it won't hurt us. But it will, I think the best thing to do if you eat bad is to move on and get back to eating clean again.