MS: When did I say I haven't heard of compounding pharmacies? I said I hadn't seen that price on AndroGel but fitmedic was referring to the cream. BTW the AndroGel comes in a 1% solution which equals 50 mgs of T.
You want peer reviewed research ? On what? I am not a scentist if that's what you mean. (Actually, either are many of the people in he supplement business who claim to be, but that's a topic for another time) No, I'm a writer and an advocate who has been involved in this field for over 30 years. (300 published works means just that, various pieces which have appeared in print in a national publication which I was paid my price as a journalist). I offer contrarian views to the standard thinking on training, nutrition, supplementation and drug use. Naturally, there are a lot of people who have a problem with what I say because it deters customers from buying their products. But I've also recieved considerable praise from thousands of readers as well as some of the dignitaries of bodybuilding. I don't want to start pulling out a resume but a few of those people include Charles Poliquin,Jerry Brainum, Dave Draper, Dennis Weis, Dr. Eric Serrano, Dan Duchaine,Rick Collins, Jack LaLanne...blah, blah, blah -- I hate trying to prove my validity, but that's the nature of the game here I guess. At any rate, I don't think that any kid that calls himself an "expert" on a chat board can say the same thing.
And fitmedic: No, I'm afaid that isn't me on the cover. I don't even think that's a photograph. I'll try to get a couple of photos of myself up. I am genetically average and it's to those people that I speak to. After developing my principles I added 40 pounds of muscle while maintaining the same under 9% bf at the age of 38, DRUG FREE. Not bad for a guy who started out with 12 inch arms and a pot belly. At age 48 I still do some body model work. So I don't look like a pro bodybuider but I look damn good, thank you very much.

Whew! Sorry for the long response. Hope this clears a few things up.
You want peer reviewed research ? On what? I am not a scentist if that's what you mean. (Actually, either are many of the people in he supplement business who claim to be, but that's a topic for another time) No, I'm a writer and an advocate who has been involved in this field for over 30 years. (300 published works means just that, various pieces which have appeared in print in a national publication which I was paid my price as a journalist). I offer contrarian views to the standard thinking on training, nutrition, supplementation and drug use. Naturally, there are a lot of people who have a problem with what I say because it deters customers from buying their products. But I've also recieved considerable praise from thousands of readers as well as some of the dignitaries of bodybuilding. I don't want to start pulling out a resume but a few of those people include Charles Poliquin,Jerry Brainum, Dave Draper, Dennis Weis, Dr. Eric Serrano, Dan Duchaine,Rick Collins, Jack LaLanne...blah, blah, blah -- I hate trying to prove my validity, but that's the nature of the game here I guess. At any rate, I don't think that any kid that calls himself an "expert" on a chat board can say the same thing.
And fitmedic: No, I'm afaid that isn't me on the cover. I don't even think that's a photograph. I'll try to get a couple of photos of myself up. I am genetically average and it's to those people that I speak to. After developing my principles I added 40 pounds of muscle while maintaining the same under 9% bf at the age of 38, DRUG FREE. Not bad for a guy who started out with 12 inch arms and a pot belly. At age 48 I still do some body model work. So I don't look like a pro bodybuider but I look damn good, thank you very much.

Whew! Sorry for the long response. Hope this clears a few things up.