Women produce about one tenth the level of test that a man produces so thats about 7-10mg per week. Now to get that level with a gel or cream you need to use a lot more in mg's. Even via injection you need to use more since a fair amount of the weight of an injection is simply ester molecules . Also assimilation is not as good as with test produced by the ovaries and adrenals and released directly into the blood stream at various times of the day.
If a women total test level is 30 or less and she has symptoms of low test then she needs supplementation. Yes this supplementation will shut down the tiny production she has from the oavaries and adrenals but so what.
One nees a decent level of test in ones system for health reasons. If you don't have enough then you will have little to no libido and you will have little stamina and fatigue easily and have poor muscle tone....you will also have a shitty lipid profile and be prone to heart disease post menopause. Low test also results frequently in HAIR LOSS! Low test also makes weight loss very hard(fat that is) The list goes on and on.
test gel or cream made up by compounding pharmacies are the way to go for female test replacement therapy.

If a women total test level is 30 or less and she has symptoms of low test then she needs supplementation. Yes this supplementation will shut down the tiny production she has from the oavaries and adrenals but so what.
One nees a decent level of test in ones system for health reasons. If you don't have enough then you will have little to no libido and you will have little stamina and fatigue easily and have poor muscle tone....you will also have a shitty lipid profile and be prone to heart disease post menopause. Low test also results frequently in HAIR LOSS! Low test also makes weight loss very hard(fat that is) The list goes on and on.
test gel or cream made up by compounding pharmacies are the way to go for female test replacement therapy.