Whne it comes to building muscle, you'd be surprised how little protein you need. The thing is -- getting it at the right time. And it has nothing to do with "timing."
In other words, your body utilizes protein at different intervals depending on hundreds of variables. Not all protein is available at just the right time. So the muscle building porocess is very hit or miss.
What taking in a lot of protein will do (especially in the form of protein peptides found in quality supplements) is allow more of it to be available when needed. Think of it as a glass in a rain storm. You need the whole rainstrom to fill the glass because only a few drops are going to get in at a time.
This is why, in part, steroids work so well. They circulate nitrogen non stop, always making it available to demanding muscles. (Which is so cool). But even on gear, you want as much avaialble nitrogen ready to go. You'll only use part of it, but you need that "rainstorm" to fill the muscles as full as possible.
This is also why spray dried plasma protein is also superior. In a way, it remains available because the body recognizes it more as something which is already in the bloodstream instead of mere "food."
Other than that, BCAA's come the closest to being a "super food" but you'd need to take a bottle of them a day to make a difference. Not worth the cost. And as for glutamine...well, the body doesn't recognize that very well since it's designed to make glutamine from other proteins so most glutamine just passes through you.
Sorry for the dissertation. I love this stuff.