Great advice GK...yeah, I really do work at trying to concentrate on squeezing my back muscles when I'm going through the exercises...its' easy to get lazy working back, because as you said, just about every movement is compound, so it's easy to try and shift more emphasis to bi's, shoulders, etc.
I'm gonna lobby our gym to get a pullover machine...or one that I really liked was an old Nautilus machine that had pads that fit under your elbows. Your arms started up by your head, and you pushed down on the pads with your elbows until they were in the contracted position down by your, that used to be a great lat iso exercise for me....couldn't do much weight, but my lats would actually get a pump, which is hard to achieve right now for me....I know they are getting worked, because once I'm done with my set, I'll sit there and flex hard in the butterly position, and damn near cramp them up....!!!!! But, they don't get that pumped feeling like quads, bi's tri's or even chest gets....
Again, thanks for the far, I'm pretty sold on HIT..I know I look like a freak at our gym working out with the low weights I"m doing, and going as slowly as I"m going through my contractions, while so many of the big boys are slangin' big weight, with shitty form for a whole lotta sets. That's why I just put my head phones on, and do my own thang....Good progress this first year...can't wait to see where I am this time next year....