Absolutely not bro...I'm still a bigtime novice in the Iron Game...lifted on and off since I finished high school (12 years ago), but never seriously...I've been serious about it for the past year and 3 months, but I've got a long way to go to catch up with my fellow elite bros....
Right now, I'm going with HIT training. Main reason, I want to hit the muscles hard, fast and infrequently. So, on my back day, I'm really not doing very many exercises or sets for back...A typical back routine is comprised of Hammer Strength Iso High Row (this one is a killer if you do it right) which is really more akin to a pulldown motion and then some sort of rowing motion like Cybex Machine Row or T-Bar or possibly cable rows. I've kinda abandoned pulldowns, just because too often, on my last reps, I wasn't able to pull all the way down to my chest and I felt like I was cheating myself outta good back work because of that. With these other exercises, especially the machine ones, you can really squeeze hard and pull through the entire rep (at least until you reach concentric faillure) and smoke your back nicely. I think I've seen some good development in my lats since moving to this system. time will tell...
but, with any of these exercises, my bi's are always pumped when I'm done..unfortunately, we don't have a pullover machine at our gym, and I've never been all that excited about the dumbell pullover, so there's really not a good way to pre-exhaust or isolate my lats, at least not that I've found....I actually warm up with push ups, heavily empasizing the eccentric (5-8 seconds down) and then go into my regular routine. But honestly, I just can't see how to get bi's out of the picture...I try to go as wide a grip as possible to minimize bi involvement in my back movements, but they are still working to control the weight while I'm going through the rep....
Actually, I'm pretty pleased with my bi development lately....doing alternating dumbell curls with a 2/1/4 pacing, using strict form (no bending at the waist to throw the weight up, and shit like that), and really squeezing at the top of the movement has my bi's smoked in no time...talk about a pump and a half....yikes!