started training specifically for powerlifting around christmas time 2 years ago, i did my first meet last nov, so almost a year i guess. i have lifted for seven years overall though.
I trained just over 1 year prior to powerlifting competition. At the time, I was boxing and my girlfriend (now my wife ) jumped straight into powerlifting. I use to travel to all her events which became quite expensive after 1 year. A trip to nationals put a nice dent in my pocketbook while she was traveling for free with the team. So, I elected to start lifting with the team. I was hesitant at first, but a coach said "the worst thing that can happen is you'll get stronger". From that day on, I was now traveling for free! Wish it was still free
started working out in 97 for wrestling. wrestled for 3 years and graduated in 99 and worked out for 1 whole year for bodybuilding then dieted for my first show. gained weight for 4 months and then dieted for another show.then i trained powerlifting for 2 years and then trained 3 weeks before my first strongman competition. then did another one about 5 weeks later.
Not long at all...I had been going to the gym but usually I workd abs, did a few squats, then got on the treadmill....Most of the time I wound up spoting Kingc. My first comp was dardenfest and I didn't start training for it till about 3 week before, and only trained on the equipment twice. And I'm very happy with my performance.