tanning is getting ridiculous. and i'll be honest here, i've tanned before. but i mean when you're white with blonde hair and dark as fuck in the winter.. come on, everybody knows. i love in the summer when i get a base tan from being outside but trying to stay tan year around is not worth the effort. the money you spend on either lotions/beds/or mystic is just to keep up a fasaad. not to mention the real beds are horrible for you. you may not like what color your skin is but scientifically we are born with what's best for us. when we go trying to change cell structure especially through radiation we are possibly just shortening our lives, for what? to have a few shades darker skin? and i'm completely not being judgmental either, i've gone through the same shit.. it just seems in the end it's not worth the downside just so you won't be a little pasty in the winter. when i was the darkest i've ever been i talked to one of my moms friends who is a dermatologist and he asked me if i tanned and i was like yea, and he just looked at me like i was fucking insane. you dont understand how many people come in with melanoma or other things that could've been avoided. trust, you won't be lookin too hot if you're goin through chemo.