I find it impossible for me!
I am 29!
I have low test,both total(300 ng/dl)) and free(3 pg/ml) all my life!
I have been to two endos-the second one being a progressive endo-prescribes hormones readily.
Neither of them would give me TRT.
The first one said she didn`t know much about testosterone,and referred me to the other.
This other one is a famous endo,who gives interviews all the time.
Claims test is the most important thing for men,advocates administering testosterone in the moment of angina attack,rather than nitroglycerin,and all such rant.
She also gave me this speech when I came to her,and then sent me to do and array of tests.
When I came back,her story changed.
She prescribed me,Metformin.She said it will reduce my abdominal fat,and this will increase my free testosterone.
And sent me on my way.
Free testosterone is bullshit btw.
There are herbs that I used,which skyrocketed my free test.
Free test won`t do shit for your strength,fat,mass,laziness.
It`s only good for the libido,and not so much.
I have tested this over months and months time.
There is BTW a whole array of these idiot endos that rely only on free test,if your total is in the 300s,like mine(lower limit)
This is all bull.
TOTAL test is what it matters,otherwise there would be no need for AAS or TRT,we would all just be using tongkat ali or stinging nettle.
I feel like shit my whole life.
I need more alpha,more stamina,I`m lazy and tired,every idiot in the gym has more mass than me,in spite of me having worked my ass off.
I have a fat belly which has not been removed by Glucophage.
I do have great strength in the gym-like my 360 lb incline press-which I have gained by training my ass off for 10 years and having a smart strength building routine.
But I need to look and feel better,be less moody like a woman,and not be tired!~
What should I do?
Should I go see a 3rd endo?
Should I self prescribe 100 mg per week for 3 months on/3 months off?
How do you guys get TRT in spite of mostly having good sperm count?
BTW All of heavy AAS users that I met through the gyms for years have children!
This aspect of AAS use is greatly exaggerated IMO!
BTW I`m not in the USA!
I am 29!
I have low test,both total(300 ng/dl)) and free(3 pg/ml) all my life!
I have been to two endos-the second one being a progressive endo-prescribes hormones readily.
Neither of them would give me TRT.
The first one said she didn`t know much about testosterone,and referred me to the other.
This other one is a famous endo,who gives interviews all the time.
Claims test is the most important thing for men,advocates administering testosterone in the moment of angina attack,rather than nitroglycerin,and all such rant.
She also gave me this speech when I came to her,and then sent me to do and array of tests.
When I came back,her story changed.
She prescribed me,Metformin.She said it will reduce my abdominal fat,and this will increase my free testosterone.
And sent me on my way.
Free testosterone is bullshit btw.
There are herbs that I used,which skyrocketed my free test.
Free test won`t do shit for your strength,fat,mass,laziness.
It`s only good for the libido,and not so much.
I have tested this over months and months time.
There is BTW a whole array of these idiot endos that rely only on free test,if your total is in the 300s,like mine(lower limit)
This is all bull.
TOTAL test is what it matters,otherwise there would be no need for AAS or TRT,we would all just be using tongkat ali or stinging nettle.
I feel like shit my whole life.
I need more alpha,more stamina,I`m lazy and tired,every idiot in the gym has more mass than me,in spite of me having worked my ass off.
I have a fat belly which has not been removed by Glucophage.
I do have great strength in the gym-like my 360 lb incline press-which I have gained by training my ass off for 10 years and having a smart strength building routine.
But I need to look and feel better,be less moody like a woman,and not be tired!~
What should I do?
Should I go see a 3rd endo?
Should I self prescribe 100 mg per week for 3 months on/3 months off?
How do you guys get TRT in spite of mostly having good sperm count?
BTW All of heavy AAS users that I met through the gyms for years have children!
This aspect of AAS use is greatly exaggerated IMO!
BTW I`m not in the USA!