The story that had to be told....
Okay, okay! (laugh)
Lots to tell! I was waiting to get the pictures back, just got them today and put them up.... so here they are (pages 2 and 3):
Lessee.... First of all, no, I didn't place in the top five, and neither did either of my friends. I was really proud of us though; I thought we all did great for our first show.
We got some really nice compliments backstage, especially from the Bodybuilding gals: Several stopped by and said things along the lines of, "A lot of the Figure competitors have an attitude, but you three were really nice and friendly to everyone." That made us all feel really good. We particularly wanted to have people see that you don't have to be catty to eachother, but can have fun and be supportive. One of us girls was interviewed in her neighborhood paper the weekend before the show, and she made a point of mentioning our names (myself and my other friend) and saying how we were doing this together and encouraging each-other, etc.
I ended up coming in too cut, I think. I was as cut as many of the bodybuilding competitors, and I think I should have come in a bit softer for Figure. Judging from the pics, I also need more mass in my glutes and hamstrings, but it's hard to tell what I would have looked like if I had been posing right.
Our trainer taught us to pose WRONG!! I was very upset about that. We found out in the mandatory meeting before the evening show. The producer made a point of showing the right Figure poses. Such small changes, and we could have done better. So for everyone's future reference: Your feet should be in a V, no matter which direction you are facing, and your head is supposed to face the same direction as your feet! Our trainer had us place our feet with the heel of the front food in the arch of the back foot, and this was dead wrong. He also had us twist to face the upper body (and head) toward the judges in the quarter-turn-to-the-side poses - also dead wrong - we should have been in profile, facing toward the wings of the stage. Toward the rear, once again, feet should have been in a V, but he had us tuck the heel of one in to the arch of the other. People backstage told us that this information is available "in the NPC rules" but it was not in the contest packet, and we are all three novices, and didn't know where to go look, even though we were suspicious that our trainer was telling us wrong. I even told him, one day, that when watching the 98 Ms Fitness Olympia, the poses looked different from what he was teaching us, but he insisted that "that is 3 years old, and things have changed now". I know that it is not "the whole reason" why I didn't place higher, (and I'm not making excuses) but it sure didn't help.
I was on the lighter side, but not the whitest of the bunch. I had been tanning 20 minutes at a time, 3 days a week, and still didn't get dark. Finally, I used Jan Tana show tan for 2 nights before the show. I wasn't the darkest, but at least my cuts showed, and I didn't look too out of place. I am SUCH a white girl! I don't know what I could have done to get darker, but if I ever do this again (okay, okay, quit laughing at me!) I will have to try, 'cause I could have used another shade or two of color. Maybe start with the Jan Tana 3 or 4 days before the comp, and hope it doesn't dry out and start to slough off.
Best Laugh:
When they introduced the mandatory meeting before the evening show with: "Obsessive/Compulsive Club.... is everyone in the right place?"
Second Best Laugh:
The Emcee couldn't help bouncing to the music, and one of the Figure Tall girls goosed him on her way by!
Oh Yeah:
There were so many of us (28 in Figure, only 3 in Fitness) that they divided us into a Tall, Medium and Short class.
Guest Poser:
Our guest poser was Greg Kovacks.... and he stood up the show!! Our producer was NOT PLEASED and made it VERY clear to the audience. How unprofessional!!
First Food:
Can you believe they had tons of food backstage on a table set up for the competitors? I was one of the only people who held out and didn't snack or pig out between the prejudging and the evening show. I just ate my beef and yams, and peanut butter and honey right before going on stage. (I had so many yams the three days before the show when I was carb loading and water depleting that my eyeballs got tinged orange like an oompa loompa!) I waited until after we finished the One-Piece round and my husband came backstage and took our pictures together (See page 3 on my link) and then I finally had brownies from the care package my Mom sent me, and shared them with the girls. After the show, I went with my family and some friends to Chevy's and had a strawberry margarita and stuffed my face with salsa, chips, and a big honking platter of mexican food! Boy did my stomach hurt Sunday!
If you weren't in the top five for your class, they basically just said "thanks, you did great, we don't need you anymore so you can get dressed now" so we don't know what our final placement was. I wanted to stay and talk to the judges after the show, but our families dragged us off right after the overall winner was picked, because they wanted to miss the crowds trying to get out of the parking lot. So I called and left the producer a message to ask if there is any way to find out where we placed if we weren't in the top five. I have not heard back yet, but he's really nice, so I expect him to call in the next couple of days. I'll let you guys know if I find anything out.
Did I miss anything??
Sorry I couldn't bring ya home a trophy - I did my best, though, and felt real good about it!! Thanks for being so patient and waiting for the story!

You guys are the best!