J_oel, saying this as someone that IS around your age and does intend to use, from my own extensive knowledge of how these substances work, at some point in time if you want to have kids you'll have to go on extensive HCG therapy to get your sperm count back up. Living long is arguable, I believe that the steroids themselves don't cause premature aging and death, rather the SIZE that the steroids, HGH and insulin get you to. Being 6'1 and 280 lbs or 5'10 255 ripped is not healthy long-term. If you plan to grow to huge, huge proportions, or even just continue to use steroids, make sure your diet is on point. I would recommend abstaining from unhealthy/greasy fast food, getting to a leaner bodyfat, adding in cardio or just maintaining a high activity level, along with getting routine bloodwork done every few months and always before you begin another blast. Good luck bro.