I don't know what I did or when or frankly how.
I can't recall pulling anything or straining or over doing something but my lower back from the bottom of my tail bone to up about 6" above is killing me.
I can't sit comfortably and I can't stand up straight without leaning over onto something, I can lie down comfortable only on back with my legs proped up.
(Do I sound terribly whiny? Sorry....)
I tried soaking in the hot tub but the relief is momentary and I haven't done legsor back in over a week because it feels like someone shoved a knife into my lower back.
Any ideas or suggestions?

I can't recall pulling anything or straining or over doing something but my lower back from the bottom of my tail bone to up about 6" above is killing me.
I can't sit comfortably and I can't stand up straight without leaning over onto something, I can lie down comfortable only on back with my legs proped up.
(Do I sound terribly whiny? Sorry....)
I tried soaking in the hot tub but the relief is momentary and I haven't done legsor back in over a week because it feels like someone shoved a knife into my lower back.
Any ideas or suggestions?