Thanks everyone,
I guess the first thing I need to ask is what a power rack is. How does it differ from a squat rack? I got the Smith machine because I am a HIT advocate and since I train to failure and workout alone I need some measure of safety.
I'm 6' 1" and 42 years old. I train twice a week, each bodypart worked once, and do 4-6 sets per bodypart, all to full rep failure or beyond (partials, drop sets, etc.).
I'm trying to get down to 250 lbs, where I'll stop for 6-12 months and re-evaluate to see where I want to be. My high weight was 410 lbs, but as an ex-football type no one ever guessed I weighed more than 300 (or at least they wouldn't say it to my face

My base diet is a moderate low carb diet which I do for 3 weeks (which is all I can stand at the moment) do a week of something else (low fat, CAD, etc.) then back to low carb for two more weeks, then take a couple of days off and start the cycle all over again. I do light cardio 4-5 times a week. I currently don't take any supplements, but plan to do something starting in August or so.
Actually, the only Tonya thing I have is her X-rated wedding video..........yummy